Embracing Simplicity: Less Is More
In the past, we may often equate our happiness with the quantity of things we own; however, true happiness lies in quality rather than quantity.
Have you ever wondered what true happiness looks like? What are the essential elements for a fulfilling life?
The concept of happiness varies from person to person, but I believe that "simplicity" is one of the keys to a beautiful life.
Living in simplicity, through practical implementation, aims to leave behind small yet impactful lifestyle changes. Through this article, I hope to share how, amidst the ongoing daily chaos, we can gradually enhance our quality of life with ease and grace.
Establish Your Own Shopping Rules
"I never have enough clothes!" I am pretty sure this strikes a chord with many people. However, behind this sentiment, there could be hidden desires and materialistic needs that stem from within.
There's nothing inherently wrong with the desire to shop - the process of shopping can be enjoyable! However, a life bounded by a sense of scarcity is not fulfilling for me.
Have you heard of mindful shopping? It means practicing "buying only what you genuinely like." This can help us break free from excessive material desires and lead a simpler, more satisfying life while also doing our part in being green for society and the environment.
With each purchase, try to identify your "needs." Choose items that fulfill those needs first, and then select the ones you genuinely like. What does it mean to genuinely like something? Typically, I would hold the item in my hands, feel its texture, weight, and take this time to reconsider: Do I really need this item? How would it feel to use it?
If the only thought in my mind is admiration from others, then this feeling is probably rooted in vanity and the need for instant gratification.
We can even take a step further and choose brands that align with our values, supporting their efforts to bring positive changes to society and the environment.
2. Carefully Choosing Your “Roommates” and Curating Our Space
A clean and comfortable living environment is not only a source of happiness but also a crucial factor in maintaining our physical and mental well-being. One of the simplest ways to uphold a good living environment is by embracing minimalism and reducing excessive possessions.
Interestingly, we often find that the more items we own, the more effort we need to put into managing them.
Imagine having 20 sets of tableware—it would require careful planning to store them neatly and ensure easy access. Similarly, if you have 200 books, you'll need a sizable bookshelf to keep them organized and in good condition. When it comes to cleaning, you'd have to dust off each book individually.
These are just two small examples - if we have excessive quantities of various household items, organizing and maintaining them would consume significant amounts of our time and space.
In the book "Hello, Habits: A Minimalist’s Guide to a Better Life", I particularly appreciate the author's metaphor of personal possessions as “roommates:. After all, they coexist with us, occupying shared spaces and our attention.
Now, imagine how much time and money we're willing to invest each month in housing these "roommates" and cleaning for them. Viewing our possessions from this perspective makes it easier for us to choose which "roommates" we truly want to keep.
By simplifying our lives and consciously selecting the items we surround ourselves with, we can create a harmonious living environment that nurtures our well-being and allows us to focus on what truly matters.
3. Self-Care and Nuturing Your Emotions
Cultivating a sense of inner tranquility brings forth a different quality to our lives that enhances our overall well-being.
Taking a moment each day to tend to our inner selves - feel the shifts in our emotions, and observe the thoughts that arise within us, and allow ourselves to understand what influences our emotions: is it the overwhelming influx of external information, digital distractions, work pressures, or interpersonal conflicts?
Meditating, mindful writing, gratitude journaling, mandala drawing, yoga, and more—all of these are ways for our body and mind to help us maintain inner balance. If you are currently seeking methods to nurture your well-being, it may be worth giving them a try!
(Extended Reading 1: Creating a Healthy Relationship with Social Media)
(Extended Reading 2: The Art of Mindfulness)
4. Ask Yourself: Is This Necessary?
In the process of embracing a minimalist lifestyle, it is important to frequently ask ourselves, "Is this necessary?"
Most of our behaviors are driven by habits, and subconsciously, many non-essential habits may hinder our personal growth. By asking ourselves "Is this necessary?" helps us identify misconceptions surrounding our habits, reduces burdens in our lives, and makes life easier.
This approach can be applied to various aspects of life, such as daily household chores, cooking, note-taking, organizing files and photo albums, self-care, financial management, and more. The key is to retain what is essential and truly effective, allowing each task to proceed more smoothly.
Even the smallest improvement to a hindering habit can accumulate and bring about significant changes!
Misconception of Minimalistic Lifestyle
Below are common misconceptions that are often associated with minimalistic lifestyle. If you’re feeling stuck or reached a bottleneck, take a moment to see if you encountered any of these misconceptions!
Simplicity Doesn’t Mean Extreme Minimalism
When we talk about minimalist living, it's easy to associate it with extreme minimalism. However, we prefer to use the term "simple" rather than "extreme minimalism" because we believe that life doesn't require constant extremities. Instead, it's about finding a sense of peace and contentment within the balance of our mind, body, and environment.
Don’t Obsess Over Numbers
It is easy to fall into the numbers trap - we find a book about minimalism lifestyle on how we can only have 25 articles of clothing per year or owning one item for each function. Consequently, we may become fixated on the excess of our own clothes or having more than one cup, leading to negative emotions.
Let it be a reminder that everyone has different preferences and lifestyles, and minimalist living is just a general direction. Understanding our needs and ensuring that our possessions are being used properly rather than being wasted or unused is the path to quality lifestyle.
Don’t Abandon Your Hobbies
Many people mistakenly believe that living a minimalist life means withdrawing from the world, embracing solitude, preferring black and white or earthy tones, and pursuing extreme minimalism. However, these are merely one-sided stereotypes.
It is possible to have a love for fashion and still pursue trendy styles; you can have a strong passion for art and continue to collect your favorite artworks.
Minimalist living is a choice. It is a choice that allows us to live our days with happiness, fulfillment, and contentment. It is not about rigidly conforming to a specific image or sacrificing our individuality.
Enjoy the Process
In the pursuit of a minimalist life, we don't need to achieve everything all in one go.
Take decluttering as an example. It's better to declutter in small increments rather than attempting a massive decluttering session all at once. By doing so, we avoid overwhelming ourselves with excessive burden and pressure. Each small decluttering session allows us to savor the subsequent sense of relief and accomplishment. Our brains are clever; they remember these positive experiences and encourage us to engage in similar activities that bring positive emotions. This indirectly helps us establish a habit of embracing a minimalist lifestyle.
Do not feel discouraged or even give up if you encounter difficulties - embrace life’s imperfections and trust the process! It takes work to have a minimalist lifestyle so slow down, take it one step at a time, and enjoy this journey!
About the Author
Alma enjoys music, science, and creative things.
She enjoys hiking with her family, or trying out new recipes in the kitchenon the weekends.
Recently she’s started practicing Qi Gong and Tai Chi.
Currently seeking exciting outside the box experiences.
Article translate by Victor Su
Picture Source: Pexels