
Nurturing Your Own Living Space
A sanctuary to our mind and body needs can reduce stress, provide a sense of stability, and allow complete relaxation. It's not something we can establish overnight or by simply seeking it externally; rather, it requires time, patience, and a gradual adaptation to our surroundings.
In this blog, I'll share some methods to cultivate ourselves and our living space so we can foster a harmonious and soothing environment.

Healing Journey
What is a healing journey?
Traveling is not just about broadening horizons; it is also a way to get to know oneself and relieve stress. Healing travel goes beyond leisure and vacation; it allows the body and mind to rest and experience deep healing.
Here are a few simple traveling tips that can help you find balance and peace of mind.
It's time to plan a healing journey!

Embracing Simplicity: Less Is More
In the past, we may often equate our happiness with the quantity of things we own; however, true happiness lies in quality rather than quantity.
Have you ever wondered what true happiness looks like? What are the essential elements for a fulfilling life?
The concept of happiness varies from person to person, but I believe that "simplicity" is one of the keys to a beautiful life.
Living in simplicity, through practical implementation, aims to leave behind small yet impactful lifestyle changes. Through this article, I hope to share how, amidst the ongoing daily chaos, we can gradually enhance our quality of life with ease and grace.

Establishing Healthy Relationships With Our Parents
Have you ever wanted to spend time with family, but also feel exhausted at the same time? Or wished you are closer with your family but frequent arguments keep happening?
There are many different values and factors that can affect our own relationship with family such as money, relationships, and communication etc. Before we start, try to let go of past history and find the root of the problem. Together, everyone can then find solutions to the unresolved issues.
Let’s strengthen our family relationships with these tips to create a safe and supportive environment!
Creating a Comfortable Working Environment
What would your ideal work environment look like?
Today, let's sneak a peek into Soul Barn's studio and explore together the daily lives of our partners, their favorite healing tools, and stress-relief techniques!

The Art of Mindfulness
How many thoughts pass through your mind in one minute?
Some we might remember and some we might not recall at all, but all these hundreds of thoughts, whether big or small, strong or mild, are constantly changing subconsciously in our minds.
As the world becomes more connected through the internet, there are countless sources of external information and distractions. Maintaining inner peace and balance can better help us face everyday.
There are many ways to maintain our inner peace, but only those that truly make an impact in our lives can last long. Mindfulness happens to be one of them - it is also a way of life and an attitude towards life.

Accepting Rejection and Refusal
We all face rejection at one point in our lives - whether it's the rejection of business proposals by colleagues, questioning of ideas by family members or even teasing of interesting stories by friends.
Have you ever been hurt by unintentional rejection? How did you deal with the situation?
In this blog, we will share some useful tips on how to handle rejection.

Creating a Healthy Relationship with Social Media
Do you ever feel that other people’s lives are always more exciting? Scrolling through your phone endlessly for hours past midnight only to be exhausted by lack of sleep, pressure, and self-doubt.
In this digital age where social media becomes an overwhelming force of information, everyone wants to put out the best versions of themselves. Whether it's living a lavish lifestyle or showing off materialistic goods, there is one common message: “You’re not good enough!”

The Healing Power of Mandala Art Therapy
Mandala, in Sanskrit, refers to a circle or center. In a religious context, it represents a Bodhimanda (or Daochang), an altar, or a yoga platform.
In ancient times, layers of paintings can be seen from atop religious architectures with each layer of paintings all similar to each other but uniquely different. This intricate and precise artform is the ancient art of Mandala.

Our Favorite Vegetarian Restaurants in Taiwan 2
We will share five vegetarian restaurants that are not only delectable but also ambient. Let’s try them out!
Our Favorite Vegetarian Restaurants in Taiwan
The practice of clean eating can help reduce the stress and burden on the body, leaving one feeling refreshed, relaxed, and in a better mental and physical state. The next time you’re not sure what to eat for lunch, why not try some of the delicious restaurant recommendations below!

Quiet Cafes: Taipei
It’s been difficult, to say the least, to find a workspace that helps me concentrate while being simple and minimalistic in Taipei.

Art Therapy
Sensing the need to do something, my mother, an educator herself, elected a more heuristic approach to non-traditional therapy: art therapy…

Creative Stress Relief Activities
Negative emotions can be triggered by many things. Each time, the cause and the depth of your negative emotions may also differ.

WFH. What’s Next?
Becoming a freelancer happened naturally for me — it wasn’t a dream or trend I was chasing; it simply happened…

How to Meditate: Meditation Techniques for Beginners
Science has proven the many benefits of meditation to the body and mind -- even five minutes a day can make a significant impact…

Where It All Started
After graduating from college, I got a job at a design start-up and I often found myself working early mornings straight through to midnight…